Trellis is proud to share our 2023 annual report, which highlights our accomplishments and impact during another year of transitions.
2023 marked the conclusion of our strategic plan that had framed our goals to advance equity, demonstrate excellence and thought leadership, and foster financial strength. We are pleased to report that we exceeded our north star goal set in 2019 to improve the lives of one million people. This level of impact happened only because of the collaboration with community partners, support of funders and hard work of our volunteers, board members and staff. Highlights from the year include:
- Serving more than 32,000 people through the Senior LinkAge Line, a free, statewide service of the Minnesota Board on Aging in partnership with Minnesota’s area agencies on aging
- Supporting the health and wellness of more than 5,000 individuals through our Juniper program
- Funding organizations that served 38,000 older adults and caregivers
- Receiving a national innovation award from USAging in recognition of our Volunteer and Outreach Team’s efforts to reach more older adults and caregivers from historically marginalized and underserved communities
We encourage you to read the report to see all the ways Trellis assisted individuals, families and communities in 2023. Thank you to our partners, funders and all who supported Trellis in with your time, talent and heart. We’ve rolled up our sleeves and look forward to a bright future.