WRAPS Resources: Wraparound Services for Adult Protective Services Clients
Trellis is partnering with the MN Department of Human Services and metro counties to provide short term case management and wraparound services to Adult Protective Services (APS) clients. The goal is to help stabilize APS clients and support their APS service plan. Utilizing American Rescue Plan Act funding that ends September 30, 2025, each client will have a budget that the Trellis case manager will use to procure needed supplies and/or implement services.
Wraparound services may include:


Rides for
Essential Needs

Consumable Supplies

Utility Assistance
Home Modifications
Rental Housing Support

Trellis is a nonprofit organization that provides services, information and connections that help people thrive as they age. As the area agency on aging for the seven-county metropolitan area, we are proud to partner with county and state Adult Protective Services to support clients age 65+.
Our County Partners

Trellis is funded in part by the Minnesota Board on Aging under the Older Americans Act.