As the Area Agency on Aging in the seven-county Twin Cities metro area, we work with “on-the-ground” organizations to ensure that local needs and preferences shape services.
We award Older Americans Act funding to community-based organizations and provide consulting services to help organizations better serve older adults and caregivers.
Older Americans Act provider stories
Leaders from Longfellow Seward Healthy Seniors, Metro Meals on Wheels and Division of Indian Work talk about how Older Americans Act funding helps them met the needs of older adults in their communities.
Older Americans Act funding
In 2023, we awarded $10.7 million in Older Americans Act and emergency funding for nutrition services, grocery and prescription drug delivery, chore and homemaker services, caregiver services and more.
We award funding on a competitive basis, issuing requests for proposals (RFPs) to invite proposals. Sign up for Trellis emails to receive notice of pending RFPs.
For information about how your organization might qualify for OAA funding, contact Amanda Nickerson.
Funding categories
Funding may be available for services in the following categories under Older Americans Act, Title III:
Title III-B: Supportive Services
- Self-directed supportive services
- Chore
- Homemaker
- Home modification
- Assisted transportation
- Telephone reassurance
- Special access
- Legal assistance
Title III-C: Senior Nutrition Services
Home-delivered meals
Congregate meals
Self-directed nutrition
Title III-D: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Evidence-Based Health Promotion Program
Title III-E: National Family Caregiver Support Program
Self-directed caregiver support services
Caregiver counseling
Supplemental services
Access assistance
Information services
Current Older Americans Act community-based partners
Affinity Care | Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
Anoka County Community Action Program
Anoka County Family Caregiver Connection | CAPI USA
Centro Tyrone Guzman | CommonBond Communities
DARTS | Division of Indian Work
East Side Neighborhood Services, Inc.
Faith Community Nurse Network | FamilyMeans
Help At Your Door | Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Karen Organization of Minnesota | Korean Service Center
Lao Advancement Organization of America | Longfellow Seward Healthy Seniors
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota | Lyngblomsten
Metro Meals on Wheels | Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
Minneapolis American Indian Center | NewTrax
Normandale Center for Healing and Wholeness
Open Arms of Minnesota | Oromo Community of Minnesota
Pillsbury United Communities – Brian Coyle Community Center
Presbyterian Homes & Services – Optage Senior Dining
Scott-Carver-Dakota CAP Agency
Senior Community Services | SEWA – Asian Indian Family Wellness
Southern MN Regional Legal Services | St. Anthony Park Seniors
Touchstone Mental Health Services | TRUST, Inc.
United Cambodian Association of MN | Vietnamese Social Services
Volunteers of America Minnesota and Wisconsin
Contact us
Chore/homemaker services
Grocery shopping and delivery services
Legal services and education
Transportation services
Senior nutrition services
Special Access
Contact: title3@trellisconnects.org
Health promotion and disease prevention services
Contact: title3@trellisconnects.org
Caregiver support/respite services
Contact: title3@trellisconnects.org

Minnesota Native Team participating in the National Senior Games